(click any picture to go to the shop)

8:30 Alarm goes off, waaaahhhh way to early for me…. I stroll out of my bed to get my Etsy and coffee fix. I have to say I’m totally NOT a morning person. Check emails, convos and the girls at the EuropeanStreetTeam.

9:40 Mum wakes up so I change clothes to model a bit :) I have many fans watching me…
10:00 While loading pictures to my PC I drink my second coffee, trying my best to wake up.
10:15 Preparing packages.
10:40 Just when I’m about to go another sale at the supply shop (yaay) so quickly another package for the road.
10:55 I finally go and find out that the birds have been busy at night, YUCK

10:57 I arrive at my friends place, we go together to a drawing course
11:05 We arrive at class and start to draw…The courses are given by the municipality for very low prices, mostly women participate. It is fun and gives me time to draw.

12:00 Getting quite hungry as I hadn’t have breakfast, busy with a portrait to warm up before starting with an oil painting (portrait) next week. I go to the bakery to buy a small baguette and eat it while drawing.

13.15 Need some fresh air, the class room is right at the beach and there is a sailboat festival, an amazing view, so glad I have my camera with me (for Friday is my day).

15:30 Class is over and I go down town, first to the post office then to other errands and groceries. The post office is 20 meters from the sea :)

17:30 Finally home, quite tired and hungry so we decide on pizza
18:15 I pick up the pizza’s yummmm

19:00 Feeling very sleepy of the huge pizza so I read back, the girls of the Team have been chatty (again) 31 pages….
20:30 Time to get in action: photo editing, and new listings for all 4 shops.
22:00 Time for a warm shower (sorry no pictures in there).
22:30 I dive in our workroom to get some projects finished, I admit: I’m messy…

00:45 Time for my lovely book and then of to dream world :)